Tuesday, 23 April 2013

What is Digital media? 

So as part of my coursework for Uni I've been told I need to keep a blog on something that digital media effects . As you can see I have chosen to do my blog on how digital media effects body image.

So what exactly is digital media, Digital media according to Microsoft Windows website is “Any media that is electronic. All digital media is stored in binary numbers and today, we access this media using our desktop computers, laptops, handheld devices such as PDAs, IPhones and even MP3 Players”

Digital media plays a massive role in our lives today. In 2012 there was estimated to be around 2,405,518,376 internet users in the world compared to 2000 where there were only 360,985,492 this is a growth of 566.4%. The internet is become easier than ever before to access. Many of us couldn’t go a day without looking something up on Google, tweeting, YouTubing or posting something on Facebook. We have become obsessed with the internet. 

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