Thursday, 25 April 2013

Pro-Ana websites

I first heard of Pro Anorexia – sometimes referred to as Pro- Ana - websites on a documentary on TV a few years ago. Before then I was completely unaware they existed. When I recently searched them online I was very surprised at the amount of pro-ana websites there actually are out there. These sites are criticised as being very harmful as they encourage eating disorders and basically promote the idea that the thinner you are the better.  When I went onto some of these websites I was shocked at what I found. One website that I went onto – which claimed to be the leading Pro-Ana website – contained forums in which members appeared to be encouraging and trying to motivate each other to become as thin as possible. Most of the members on the website were teenage girls. It was disturbing to read what some of the girls were saying. It was clear to see many were suffering from extreme body image issues. One girl posted about how she felt really disappointed in herself that she had 50 calories in one day. A particularly disturbing post I came across was a girl who wrote about how she was at a stage where she was unable to eat without binging and she didn’t see how she could recover and then stated “I know where my dads gun is and where the bullets are”. There were many other posts I read that appeared to be similar topics the members were talking about and there were many which appeared to be suffering from extremely low self esteem and mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. As I looked through other websites the word “Thispiration” often appeared to be coming up. It is defined as  “Images and ideas posted on social media sites that are supposed to inspire women to lose weight, but all too often fuel eating disordered behaviour and the pursuit of skeletal thinness” ( These websites also often contained photos of  celebrities, extremely skinny models and girls who were part of these communities. These photos are posted as a way of trying to encourage people on these websites to lose as much weight as possible.

I personally think these sites should be shut down as they appear to be extremely dangerous. They are brainwashing people (particularly young girls) into thinking they need to be very thin and encouraging them to put their health at risk to become dangerously skinny. I am clearly not the only one person who holds this view as I found many websites and news articles that were highlighting the dangers and the concern over these websites.

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